Secure your home with quality locks on doors and windows.
Take care of your keys and don’t give anyone an opportunity to duplicate them.
Don’t let your home look unoccupied while you are away on a trip. Discontinue the mail and newspapers or have someone pick them up for you.
Consider using automatic timers to turn on lamps and lights when you are away from home. Stagger the times that they come on and off.
Don’t leave a message on your answering machine that you are going to be out of town.
Don’t let strangers know that you are going to be out of town.
Don’t let strangers into your home.
Have the police and a trusted neighbor or friend check your home while you are out of town.
Insure your possessions and keep an up-to-date inventory of them.
Record serial numbers or identifying marks on theft prone items to help police recover them if they are stolen.
Keep valuables in a safe deposit box.
Consider installing a security system and having it monitored.