Garage Sale Hints

Allow adequate time to plan and prepare – several weeks.
Selecting the right date is important so it won’t conflict with holidays or special events that compete for attendance.
Weekends are generally more successful than weekdays.
Bigger is better.
Practical household goods such as appliances, dishes, furniture, tools, and the like are good sellers. Clothing typically doesn’t have a high resale value, with the possible exceptions of children’s clothing in good condition.
Try to merchandise your goods in an attractive manner as if you were displaying them in a store.
Items should be clean, and if not in working order, labeled accordingly.
A classified ad in the newspaper listing some of the more desirable items can greatly increase your foot traffic.
Bulletin boards in grocery stores and other public places can provide additional exposure.
Use well created, attractive signs to direct people to your home. The nicer the sign, the more attention it will attract.
Post a sign stating that all sales are final.
Visit other garage sales to see what works well.
You’ll need to have cash on hand to make change for customers.

Jane S. Idzi Jane Idzi specializes in the Park Cities and areas south of LBJ/635 including Lake Forest, Devonshire, Preston Hollow, and the historical districts of M-Streets and Munger Place. She has earned the coveted e-Pro Certification in addition to CCRC and Historic Home Specialist and is a member of the Texas Association of Realtors, the MetroTex Association of Realtors, Dallas Chamber of Commerce and Dallas Network Connection.She was voted a DMagazine’s Dallas Top Realtor for 2005.Her website,, boasts over 12,900 individual visitors a month and over 467,000 hits a month. She can be reached at 214-522-7997.